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Our Children's Chosen Charity

Posted on: 20/10/2021

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This term, each class has been thinking carefully about which charity our school could support this year. The children gave their ideas to School Council. School Council discussed these ideas and looked carefully at each charity and voted on which charity we should choose for our school. They chose Street Child. This morning our School Council and Y6 Campaign Monitors told everyone why they decided on this charity….

"Street Child is a charity which works across the world to help more and more children go to school so that they can get an education and so that they can live their lives to the full. Street Child works to give every child a school anchor like ours. This charity gives children the chance to go to school to get an education that will improve their whole lives."

"All children should have a school anchor like we do."

Please click the link below to find out more:

A presentation by our School Council



